Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hippie Crunchy Oily

If you had told me a year ago that I'd be buying into a business that uses a multi level marketing strategy and consists of applying and huffing smelling oils to improve my physical and emotional well being, I would have laughed in your face. Yet here we are. I have bought in to Young Living's oils and business model.

I have always been super skeptical of multi level marketing businesses. I've been harassed by too many Mary Kay ladies. (Sorry Mary Kay fans.) I'm not a salesy person. I cringe when someone is trying to pitch something to me and I don't think I could ever be in sales because I would cringe at being "that person."

So what's the deal with these oils? It started in August of last year. I was 8 months pregnant with my second son. At one of my routine chiropractor visits I had a muscle in my back that was really bothering me. She adjusted me and then put these oils on the muscle. As I walked out to my car, the place in my back started tingling and the tension released. Hmm. "That's weird," I thought. When I returned for my next visit, I asked my chiropractor about what she had put on my back and she handed me two bottles. One was called "Deep Relief" and the other was called "Valor." These were my gateway oils.

My chiro added me to a Facebook group of people who were new to using the oils and a week or two later, I got another crippling migraine. I've struggled with migraines off and on for the past 5 years, but the ones during pregnancy were especially brutal. My OB had prescribed Lortab and Phenegran. So really my only solution was to take this combo of possibly harmful meds while pregnant and lay around totally wiped out for the rest of the day. Even more frustrating, that combo didn't always work. Oh and I had an 18 month old at the time which made lying around waiting for migraines to go away impossible.

I asked the new oils group what they did for migraines and told them which oils I had. So after several suggestions I applied Valor on my temples and neck and then a few minutes later Deep Relief on the places my head hurt. 10 minutes later, my migraine was gone. If these oils can get rid of migraines that Lortab won't knock out, something about them is working. Since then I have been a believer.

I bought a couple of other individual oils for help with calming my kids down (Peace & Calming) and scar tissue after childbirth (Frankinscense). And then my Christmas present was this:

I have loved using them and just recently placed my first post starter kit order. Yeeeee!

Ways we use the oils:

  • Germs (diffusing Thieves and rubbing it diluted on the bottoms of feet)
  • Baking (adding a drop of Lemon to baked goods)
  • Stress (diffusing Stress Away and rubbing it on my wrists)
  • Hormones (applying Endoflex on my thyroid and adrenal glands daily)
  • Energy (diffusing Citrus Fresh and applying Endoflex)
  • Kids' Sleep (making a Sleepy Cream with Peace and Calming, Lavender, Cedarwood and Valor)
  • Allergies (applying a blend of Lemon, Lavender and Peppermint on the sinuses and forehead)
  • Liver cleansing (applying Release to the liver every few days)
  • Deodorant (1 drop purification mixed with a smudge of coconut oil in armpits)
  • Face cream (1 drop Frankincense and 1 drop Lavender mixed with coconut oil on face)
  • Colds/Congestion (peppermint on sinuses and chest, Ravintsara diffused)
  • Digestion (Peppermint diluted applied to tummy)
  • Mood (diffuse Citrus Fresh, Awaken, Release, Joy, Peace & Calming, Stress Away or Lavender)
  • Odor elimination (1 drop Purification in the trash can, dishwasher or washing machine)
It's important to note that anything I use on my 2 year old is diluted to a ratio of 1 drop of essential oil to 1/2 tsp of coconut oil. Anything used on my 7 month old is 1 drop of essential oil to at least 1 tsp of coconut oil.

Also, Peppermint is never used or diffused with or around children under two as this can cause breathing issues.

I purchased these oils through someone I now consider a close friend and she did a wonderful job teaching me how to use and how not to use the oils. Education is super important. Make sure you know what you're doing before you apply these willy nilly!

If you're reading this and think it sounds like a bunch of hippie crunchie voodoo. You're right. It does, but it works for us and that's what matters.

If you're interested or have questions, feel free to post them below. Thanks! Happy oiling!

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