Monday, May 12, 2014

Summertime Schedule

Lord, help us. We need structure.

I don't know about you, but the hot days of summer (which have already started because we live on the surface of the sun) can drag on and on and on with a toddler and a baby when we don't have a plan. I'm thinking having a plan/schedule will keep us from staying in pjs and eating chocolate all day long. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I searched Pinterest for mom schedules and found this from Our Nesting Place Blog. I LOVE it. So I created one for our family.

Stay At Home Mom SUMMER Schedule from Our Nesting Place Blog!!! Yay!

Here it is!

Today is our first day trying to stick to it. Structure makes me excited! Happy Scheduling!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT!!!! I love that everyday is a new activity - and MOMMY DATE?! I need that! :)

    I'm so glad you enjoyed my "crazy" schedule - I'm happy you were able to make it your own, too!!

    - Miranda :)
